My (so short) experience with BidVertiser

I have a couple of websites that I maintain since few years and I was looking for possible sources of income to cover the expenses and why not to make an extra income.

For a long time, I was using Google AdSense and I was happy with it. It is by far the best monetization option for websites and blogs based on advertisement. It has a huge stock of ads and its CPM is among the highest in the industry.

However, there are few things that pushed me to look for another options and try few alternatives. Google AdSense has increased the requirement for the participation in the program in the past few years. It is nowadays not as easy as it used to be to join the service and get accepted in Google AdSense (to open a new account). But the most dangerous thing, is that Google can terminate your participation and suspend or close your account if you violate the rules.

Therefore, I wanted to be prepared and diversify my monetization tools. Relying on only one source is certainly not a good idea (do not put all your eggs in one basket).

BidVertiser is one of the alternative that I found on internet. It was not complicated to open an account and get it validated. So, I started to put banners on one of my website after removing all ads from Google AdSense. In fact, this was only a test, because I wanted to give it a shot and evaluate it before I make a final decision.

First remark, the user interface is less developed than Google AdSense.
Their ads stock is very limited and they offer only few banner sizes. At that time, i couldn't find any responsive format.
They provide very limited statistics. It is not possible to perform advanced analysis like you may do with AdSense.

I wanted however to continue using BidVertiser for some time to see what can I earn from it and decide if this could be a real alternative in case I lost my AdSense account.

Suddenly, I noticed that the number of visitors to my website has dropped dramatically. When I opened the website in Google Chrome, I found out there was a virus warning and the browser has blocked the access to my website. The user need to confirm that he wants to go ahead and most users will just go away.

It turns out, that ads from BidVertiser were the source of this security warning. I contacted their customer support and explained the situation to them. Their answer was not convincing to me and thy throw the responsibility on Google Chrome.

I was not convinced for the simple reason. I had myself seen ads from BidVerstiser that are very annoying. Many of them try to make you download something.

At the end, BidVertiser did nothing to clean their code or at least to reassure me.

I immediately stopped their ads and removed the code from my website.  
